We offer full transparency of your giving and sponsorship by giving a periodic breakdown of your giving, updates of the welfare and progress of your assigned sponsored child, and many other details you require so to ensure a personal and fulfilling experience for you. The Bible says in Hebrew 13: 16, “ Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. We love and appreciate you!

  • You are giving someone a chance at a better life.
  • Give a child an opportunity to receive maximum support to help them grow in and out of school.

  • You will receive photos and regular updates about the work being done by the House of Mercy.
  • You will receive emails that contain progress reports and thank you letters from the recipients of the donation. These might contain hand-drawn pictures from the children.
  • A rewarding chance to contribute to the fight against poverty whilst spreading hope.
For any other donation method please contact us

We need your help

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